Emphasis on the Arts

While so many schools have diminished or even extinguished the arts within their curriculum, TCS has sought to increase and strengthen the cultivation of the arts from kindergarten through twelfth grades. Music and art appreciation and are of utmost importance to our school.
The drama program includes two productions each year, including a full-fledged musical every other year.

Artist of the Month
Kindergarten through second grade focuses on one known artist each month and becomes knowledgeable about the works of Renoir, Monet, Picasso, Cassat, and more.
Reading Music
By third grade, our students know how to read music and have mastered the recorder.
Band instruments start in fifth grade and go through twelfth grade. Several band concerts are giving in the year and are open to the public. More information can be found on our music page.
Art classes begin in Kindergarten and go through twelfth grade.

Music classes are from Kindergarten through eighth grade.
Choir begins in fourth grade and goes through twelfth grade. 50% of our high schoolers participate in the prestigious choir. Several concerts are performed throughout the year and are open to the public, including a summer tour of our choir. More information can be found on our music page.
Follow our Choir's Facebook Page to see more photos and videos!
Chamber Choir
A select group of choir students try-out to be in the specialized Trinity Chamber Choir.