
While there are individual Bible classes from kindergarten through twelfth grades at TCS, Biblical integration is throughout all classes. We emphasize a Biblical worldview in every area and strive to demonstrate our citizenship in God's kingdom on this Earth. Students do not merely memorize Scripture starting in Kindergarten, they are taught to apply God's word in all areas of life, inside and outside the classroom. Our Biblical framework prepares our students for life outside of TCS and beyond. We recognize our need for the school-wide study of Scripture and school-wide prayer as we grow academically, spiritually, and socially.
Worldview Classes
While a Biblical Worldview is emphasized from kindergarten through twelfth grades, before our students enter high school, they take a rigorous class in eighth grade called “Biblical Worldview.” This class is crucial to the development of these young teenagers as we emphasize the importance of our citizenship as believers in Christ. Our students recognize themselves as Christian Students, not students who are also Christian.
Daily Class Devotions, Weekly Chapel (K-6, 7-12)
Each morning, from kindergarten through twelfth grade, we have daily devotions in our homerooms where we read God’s Word and pray together to start our day. Additionally, weekly chapels are held for all the students where we sing praises to God and listen to teachings from various pastors and speakers from our community.
Student-Led Worship and Prayer

High school students have the opportunity to serve on the Praise Band where they will lead the student body in weekly worship and prayer.
Sound Teaching From Educators Who Are Pastors With PHD, MDiv, etc.
The Bible teachers at TCS include ordained pastors. Dr. Peter Smith, Mr. Matta, and Mr. John McCombs do an amazing job teaching Old Testament, New Testament, Ancient History, Church History, Reformed Doctrine, and Ethics.
Biblical Integration (K-12)
Each and every class at TCS is taught from a Biblical perspective and Christian Worldview. For example, while the textbook is secular, the teacher loves Christ and will point to Scripture. We do not shy away from difficult discussions with our students, rather we simply point to God’s Word for truth in every subject area.
Dual Enrollment Bible Courses (high school)
We have partnered with Geneva College and have Dual Enrollment Bible Courses which can give our high school students both high school AND college credits which will transfer to colleges and universities.