Kindergarten Program

Welcome to a day in Kindergarten at Trinity!
*Now Accepting Kindergarten Applications*
Kindergarten is an exciting time at Trinity! The kids are eager to learn and we have fun while doing it. We enjoy special days throughout the year to celebrate and highlight what we are learning in our classroom. It is a busy time, but a time of great learning and growing.
We start our day off with Morning Review. We join the first and second grade classes to learn vital pieces of information such as: famous people, spelling rules, letter sounds, letter sound blends, grammar jingles, composers, famous works of art, capitals, and so much more.
After Morning Review we get right to work. Throughout our day we have Morning Meeting, Bible, Math, Phonics, Reading, and Science.
We have lunch at 11:00. After lunch, we go to our first recess. Our second recess is in the afternoon. We believe that we need to learn in the classroom as well as through playing with our friends.
We have an afternoon rest time, which lasts twenty minutes. We use this time to recharge and get ready for all of the excitement in the afternoon. We stretch out on mats and take a quick breather. In April we transition from lying on our mats to listening to a story for twenty minutes. We are starting to get ready for first grade!
Math – Saxon Math
We learn about multiple patterns, how to tell time, pictographs, and money just to name a few of our topics.
Phonics – Saxon Phonics
We focus on the sounds of letters and how they work together. We learn different spelling rules and how to code words to know what type of vowel we are using. We also have decodable readers and leveled readers to help with our phonics skills.
Reading – Trade Books
At Trinity, we believe that a love for reading and literature starts early! Our reading curriculum was developed by our lower elementary teachers with the goal of teaching children to love to read. We have seven themes that stretch across the lower elementary. Our themes include: Animals, Friends, Communities, Families, Great Ideas, Responsibilities, and Treasures. We focus on comprehension skills and literary devices for each story. Our students learn about Venn Diagrams, Anthropomorphism, Rhythm and Rhyme, and Plot Development, just to name a few.
Bible – Christian Schools International
Walking with God and His People. We start with Creation and move through the Bible looking at how God has moved in the lives of his people. We have weekly memory work to help us hide God’s Word in our hearts. We also learn songs to help us remember the Bible stories.
Science – Christian Schools International
Our Science curriculum is investigation based. We learn about Health, Living Things, Materials, God’s Non-living World, and Transportation.
Handwriting – Zaner-Bloser
We learn step by step how to write each of the letters and numbers. We are also a writing Kindergarten. Once a week in the afternoon we have a writing assignment that is a sentence or two long to help us hone our writing skills.
In kindergarten, we have specials almost daily. We enjoy gym and music twice a week. We enjoy having the chance to run and get some of our energy out during gym. In music, we learn how to follow pitch and even track music notes! We have art and library once a week. Mrs. Mason, the art teacher, does a wonderful job teaching us about different art techniques. Mrs. Iriana, the librarian, does a wonderful job helping us find books to read.

The Kindergarten Assessment
As part of the enrollment process, Trinity assesses all incoming students for readiness. If your child has been in a preschool program or other group learning situation he/she will be familiar with the testing activities. The testing process is usually a fun time for the children. They are happy to show how much they know. We work to make it a relaxed and fun time full of encouragement.
We have an academic kindergarten program and we want our students to meet with success. To have maximum success in our reading and phonics programs, will believe that it is best that kindergarten students enter school being able to identify letters and show that they have an understanding of letter sounds and the connections between letters and sounds. The assessment is to verify that your child is ready academically and socially. We do require that students entering kindergarten be 5 years of age by September 1st.
The kindergarten assessment lasts approximately 1 hour. Your child will meet with our faculty assessor. Your child will be given a test of school readiness, asked to draw a picture and answer general questions that will give us knowledge of his/her awareness of the world around him/her. Your child’s reading readiness will be assessed. He/she will be asked to identify letters and the sound the letter makes. Your child will be tested on numeral recognition, numerical order and one-to one correspondence. Your child will be asked to write letters and numbers and draw common shapes. Your child will also be asked to identify shapes and colors, recite his/her phone number and address, cut with scissors and follow directions.
In addition does your child:
Separate willingly from parents or family members?
Play, share and take turns with other children?
Have control and use of the restroom independently?
Use tissues as needed?
Complete tasks within a time limit?
Alternate feet – one foot per step – when walking down stairs?
Answer questions and speak clearly and try to overcome baby talk?
Put on boots, coats without help and hang them up properly?
Sit quietly and listen with enjoyment when others speak?
Have good eating, sleeping, and cleanliness habits?
Cheerfully accepts direction, correction, and suggestions?
Respect authority?
Once the assessment is complete, your child will be happy to tell you how much he/she knows. A member of our staff will talk with you briefly to share information. Our Head of School will review the assessment and our office will contact you to welcome you to our school family and explain the enrollment process.
We look forward to meeting you and your child!