Employment Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in employment Trinity Christian School. As you begin the process of applying for a position at TCS, we ask that you take the time to read our philosophy of education and mission statement along with our school's history by clicking on these links. It is important to note that “our faculty is to be a member of a local Reformed church, where they are under the oversight of the elders and under the teaching of the truths of the Covenant upon which our philosophy is based.”1 Our school is committed to a classical Christian curriculum and methodology which has been articulated in an essay written by author Dorothy Sayers. We ask that you read this essay by clicking the following link: The Lost Tools of Learning.

We seek the following in all our teachers:

  • Classroom experience

  • A passion for classical Christian education

  • A love for children

  • A working understanding of classroom management

  • A love for learning

  • Strong communication skills

  • A willingness to lead under authority

  • A mature faith in Jesus Christ

Step 1:

Teacher applicants are requested to provide a resume and cover letter (no more than one-page front and back) to include:

  • Brief introduction of applicant, including current church membership/attendance

  • Reason for seeking a position at Trinity Christian School

  • Why the applicant would be a good fit for this position

All applicant information is to be submitted to Trinity Christian School or sent via email to Sarah Cunningham at [email protected], preferably attaching a PDF document or Microsoft® Word document.

Step 2:

Selected teacher applicants will be contacted for an interview.

Current Openings at TCS

Qualified candidates for any position must have an interest in / understanding of classical Christian education, a mature Christian faith, a personal love for learning, and a love for children. Three years of teaching experience is preferred and experience in a classical Christian school would be a benefit. Background checks are required. Contact Sarah Cunningham at (412) 242-8886 or [email protected].



Trinity Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or sex in its admission policies or any of its programs.