
We believe that Kindergarten through Sixth grade is the most meaningful period in a child's music education. At Trinity Christian School, we utilize this important time to instruct students in the main elements of music. Some of these elements include:
K-6th Music Education
A sense of pitch
Note reading by Solfeggio
Notation of music on the staff
Vocal technique
Tone placement
A brief understanding of music history
Singing a varied repertoire of music
Folk songs
Sacred music
Cultural music
Describing music in musical terms
Evaluation music and musical performances
Middle School
Music education in Middle School takes a slightly different approach. Since most of the students are now familiar with the main elements of music, we offer a mandatory general music education course, as well as Choir and Band as electives. Some elements covered in the general music class include:
7th-8th Music Education
Intermediate music history
History of opera and musical theater
Listening and describing music
Evaluating live performances
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Pittsburgh CLO
Pittsburgh Opera House
Study of modern music
Christian worldview towards all genres
Intermediate class discussions
Intermediate presentations
Trinity Christian School offers Choir at four levels; Elementary, Middle School, High School, and extra-curricular elite choir. All Choir classes are non-audition and can be joined by any interested student, regardless of experience. We believe that Choir is not just a group of music enthusiasts, but a community that loves and ministers through music. The high school choir and chamber choir go on an extensive choir trip each summer.
Follow our Choir's Facebook Page.
Advanced note reading
Varied collection and styles of music
Mostly sacred choral literature
Vocal technique
Great performance opportunities
Nursing homes
National anthem opportunities
Singing around the community
Solo opportunities
One-on-one training
Analyzing music
Trinity Christian School has four band programs designed to teach, improve, and perform good band music.
Fifth Grade Band introduces students to band instruments. The students are helped to choose an instrument. In three class sessions per week, they learn to play their instruments.
Sixth Grade Band continues on the foundation and gradually incorporates ensemble playing. It meets twice a week.
Middle School Band teaches students to play independent parts in the band by going over individual parts and then combining them into a band presentation. This class meets three times a week.
High School Band meets five days a week. The students work on their own individual techniques and ensemble balance. The band plays standard band literature.