
The history of Trinity Christian School is inseparably connected to our volunteers! Simply stated, we would not exist if it were not for our volunteers and the efforts that they have made. God has blessed us through the work of our volunteers and it is our desire to continue to welcome and encourage these passionate servants.
The following are examples of various volunteer positions:
Program Volunteers - Requiring Clearances:
Chaperones for student dances
Chaperone / Driver for field trips or any school related activities
Coaching assistants of an athletic team
Equipment Managers (does not apply to student volunteers)
Choreographers and musicians providing instruction to students in school musical
After School club leaders and aides
Hospitality Committee including Homeroom Moms
Cafeteria Volunteers
Casual Volunteers - Not Requiring Clearances:
Board Committee Members
Public Relations Committee
Building Committee
Booster Club
Guest Speakers
Concert/Performance Ushers

Background Clearances Information
In order to promote and to manage the many roles that our volunteers play in the operation of Trinity, we have chosen to categorize volunteers into two groups for the sake of clarity and compliance with the provisions of ACT 153 of 2014, which amended the Child Protective Services Law. ACT 153 of 2014 requires unpaid volunteers in schools who will have direct contact with children to obtain background clearances prior to commencing services as a volunteer in the school. Trinity Christian School volunteers are categorized as Casual Volunteer or Program Volunteer. The following definitions will provide clarity to these categorizations.
Shall mean a volunteer who: (1) works under the general direction and supervision of a teacher or an administrator employed by Trinity Christian School; (2) provides direct services to students or may, from time to time, have or may be reasonably expected to have direct contact with children; or (3) moves freely about the building during school hours.
Approval and Certifications Requirements
A. All volunteers at Trinity Christian School that fall under the category of Program Volunteer must produce an up to date PA Child Abuse History Clearance and a PA Criminal Record Check Clearance before being approved as a volunteer. Volunteers may secure these clearances for free provided that they meet the following specific conditions.
The certifications are required as a condition to volunteer.
The certifications may not be used for employment or any other purpose.
The certifications shall only be provided free of charge to a volunteer once every 57 months.
The volunteer swears or affirms, in writing, under penalty of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities), the following:
The certifications are required as a condition to volunteer.
The volunteer has not received background certifications free of charge within the previous 57 months.
The volunteer understands that the certifications shall not be valid or used for any other purpose.
B. Additionally, a fingerprint based federal criminal history (FBI) submitted through the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent is required if:
The position the volunteer is applying for is a paid position; and
The volunteer has lived outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the last 10 years. THIS CLEARANCE, IF NECESSARY, IS NOT FREE AND IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE VOLUNTEER.
Volunteers who are not required to obtain the FBI certification (because they serve in an unpaid position and have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years) must swear or affirm in writing and notarized, that they are not disqualified from service based upon a conviction of an offense under §6344. Notary must be secured by volunteer. You can download the form here: 10-Year Affidavit Form
C. Lastly, complete the following annual forms:
Volunteer Consent and Affirmation Form
Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification (Act 24)
A copy of all above-mentioned clearances will be kept on file at the school.
Shall mean a volunteer who comes to a school infrequently and works in the presence of a teacher/administrator when with students. A casual volunteer does not have direct contact with children and is not required to obtain criminal history reports or child abuse clearances. Casual Volunteers must be escorted at all times while in the building during school hours.
No clearances are required for Casual Volunteers.