
Drama Program
Our God is a God of beauty and at Trinity Christian School, we seek to redeem the arts for Christ and reflect God’s truth, beauty, and goodness in the art that we create.
Trinity Christian School’s drama department seeks, through our plays and musicals, to teach our students to appreciate what is true and beautiful in the world through the study of human interaction and the conflict of good and evil. We seek to represent accurately the good and evil in our world, the beauty of the world we live in, and its need for redemption.
We work to educate our students in self-discipline, responsibility, acting, movement, dance, public speaking, voice, and art while seeking to entertain and bless our audience through our final production.
Trinity Christian School drama alumni have gone on to have careers in the fields of acting, directing, and production management. Even those who do not go into fields directly related to theater use the skills they have learned to help them in whatever field they choose.
Trinity Christian School drama department performs two shows a year in a wide variety of genres including children’s plays, murder mysteries, and literary classics. Some of our recent shows include Charlotte’s Web, The Little Prince, The Mousetrap, and Alice in Wonderland. Our productions also include biennial musicals. In recent years, we have performed Rodger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, and Annie.
It is not uncommon to have close to 40% of our secondary students involved in our larger productions as actors, stage crew, or artists. Occasionally, Trinity Christian School drama department has used our elementary school students to fill roles on our shows. Our younger students have been cast as Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz, roses in The Little Prince, goslings and spiders in Charlotte’s Web, the Heart children in Alice and Wonderland, and Molly the orphan in Annie. Our younger students love this opportunity to learn from our more experienced actors and be a part of our productions.
Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest
Trinity Christian School students have an opportunity to compete in the Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest. The Pittsburgh Public Theatre arranges this event, which is open to any students in grades 4-12. Students are coached at school and compete at the O’Reilly Theatre. Our students regularly receive honorable mention recognition in this regional contest, which typically involves over 1,000 competitors. In the last decade, we have had several students selected for the finals, and one duo was selected as overall winner in the Upper Division scene category.
Our high school drama students have attended workshops hosted by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust and been instructed by professionals in the fields of acting, stage management, makeup, costumes. We have also held workshops on campus to provide students with more opportunities to learn and grow.