Endowment Fund
He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. - 2 Corinthians 9:10
Planting a seed is the first step for making things grow. And there's no ground more fertile than a student's mind. This is the one place where a seed can grow into ideas and reach potential the world has never seen before. The possibilities are endless. But when no seeds are planted and no water or sunlight provided, nothing good grows. That's why the Trinity Endowment Fund is so important. Your contributions and continued support are seeds, water, and light to Trinity students. With your help and our continued, responsible stewardship, we can continue to educate tomorrow's Christian leaders.

In 2001, Trinity began its Endowment Fund with an initial investment of just over $88,000 and a partnership with a professional fund manager at Staley Capital Advisers, Inc. in Pittsburgh. Through God's provision, the expertise of Staley Capital, and the oversight of Trinity's own Endowment Committee, Trinity's fund has grown to $430,000 in the past fourteen years. The fund began making distributions to the school in 2010, and has placed almost $25,000 into Trinity's budget. Thus, dividends and income from the Endowment help to promote vital programs of the school including student scholarships, curriculum, teacher compensation, and facility improvements. The goal of the fund is to assure the continued legacy of classical Christian education at Trinity and safeguard the school's financial stability.
When you contribute, you're building up a resource that has already proven itself. The Trinity Endowment Fund works hard for our students and bolsters the stability of our school. Won't you take a moment to consider your tax deductible contribution now and take advantage of this unique opportunity?
How to Contribute
To make a donation to the Endowment Fund, please send your donation to the school address with a notation for the Endowment Fund. You may also make an online donation.